
When you need someone to share and understand
your perspective, you can rely on Audent.


In a world of volatility and change,
one thing is certain: you can rely on Audent.


When performance and value matter,
you can rely on Audent.

fortune favors the bold

Audent Global Asset Management is a full‑service investment boutique

focused on tailoring portfolios to align with our clients’ individual goals for capital preservation, income and growth. Our clients range from successful individuals at the beginning of their wealth accumulation cycle to established family offices charged with pursuing multiple investment objectives.

Our Focus

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We initiate every relationship with a focus on financial planning. Our holistic approach considers the full financial picture and helps each client articulate their needs and goals, while revealing the financial behavior behind decision‑making.

Our Approach

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We approach active investment management different from Wall Street and Main Street. We believe each investor deserves a fresh look at the market.

The Problem:

Obsolete Approach.
Antiquated Solutions.


Traditional Investment Model

Today’s investors are saddled with yesteryear’s portfolio management process and an archaic investment mindset. The traditional course has been: meet with the client, create an asset allocation (often limited entirely to whatever the firm can sell), outsource to different managers to make the actual investment decisions and meet quarterly (if that) to see how the portfolio is doing.

Market Downturns

Investors are often locked into investments and are helpless in market downturns. The advisor warns the client not to sell and to wait for the market to rebound. What happens if you don’t have time to wait for the market to rebound?

Tax Inefficiencies

Outside managers are often unable to create tax efficiencies because they are managing too many other accounts, What happens if you are investing a trust or sophisticated entity structure that requires special tax treatment, such as a CRT (Charitable Remainder Trust)?

As we learned in 2008, and in subsequent years, this model simply does not work. But we have the solution.


Customized Portfolios

Portfolios that are designed and customized to each investor’s needs for cash‑flow, time frame, tax circumstances, etc. Audent GAM feels that every client deserves a fresh look into the markets when they become our clients. We approach each investment as if it were the only investment and that timing of deploying that cash is critical.

Derivatives Strategy

Investments comprising individually owned stocks and bonds that are properly hedged, using an internally developed and managed derivatives strategy.

Alternative Investment Options

Alternative investment options, such as credit, real estate and other investments that are not correlated to the equity and fixed income markets.


An investment policy that clearly defines client goals, fees and portfolio expectations to hold the portfolio management team accountable.

The Solution:

Audent Global
Asset Management

Equity Strategies

Our distinct, actively managed equity strategies employ a disciplined and thorough election of well‑known, high‑performing stocks. The key difference is that Audent’s innovative options put‑write and/or global buy write overlay strategies seek to add to performance and provide the flexibility for today's changing market conditions, all run by an experienced and thoughtful investment management team.

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Fixed Income Strategies

Audent’s accomplished leadership spent 15+ years developing a better way to invest within an income‑seeking framework. Our actively managed, rules‑based approach seeks to deliver what a modern portfolio is supposed to‑regular income and consistent returns. We do this with a variety of strategies that use either investment grade bonds, tax advantaged municipals, ultra‑short duration or higher yielding fixed income securities.

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Individually, our businesses provide expertise to help you take command of your financial future. Together, Audent provides a comprehensive experience to ensure that your overall needs are served reliably, creatively, and discreetly.

Schedule an introductory meeting with an associate

We invite you to contact us

Audent Global
Asset Management

t: 310-388-3818

Audent Capital

t: 310-388-3818


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